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Category: European Instruments

Violin The String Instrument


This is one of the oldest string instruments which evolved during the Renaissance. In the 16th century, approximately 1550 first constructed Violin in Italy. The smallest and highest-pitched of the string instrument family. Sometimes it used to be called a fiddle. Belongs to the chordophone family. It is widely used in Western music, whether it is folk, country music, or jazz, rock can accompany any orchestra or can play alone as a solo instrument.

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Bagpipes the Scottish wind instrument


The most ancient wind instrument originated in Europe. It was found in Europe in the early 9th century. Highlands of Scotland is got to be mentioned with the bagpipes especially. As a rustic instrument in many cultures bagpiper was used because a herdsman had the necessary materials at hand. It was made of goat or sheepskin and a reed pipe.

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Guitar the Western fretted instrument

Guitar, the beginning and journey


One of the most popular modern western fretted instruments is Guitar. The 16th century probably originated in Spain. Steel strings first became widely available around 1900. In the early 1920’s designer, the great change began with the creation of the archtop guitar is usually credited to Orville Gibson. He modified the archtop “jazz” into the f-holes, floating bridge, and cello-type tailpiece. This is widely played in the folk and popular music of many countries.

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