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Rattle, the African musical instrument


african rattle

Introduction of African Rattle

It’s originated in the African continent. It comes under the idiophone musical instrument group. Idiophone expresses the meaning self sounding instruments. In Ancient Egypt, rattles were used during funerary rituals. At present time it is being used as a percussion instrument. Rattle produces sound by the vibration created with their body.

It consists of resonant objects strung together and set in a sliding frame or enclosed in a container such that when it is shaken the parts strike against each other, producing sounds.

Types of Rattle

  • There are a few types of rattle differentiated according to their usage, constructive components & sound variation. These are –
  • Maracas, widely used in Cha Cha Cha dance of Trinidad, Dominica, and the French Antilles and jazz.
  • The egg-shaped plastic chicken shake, filled with steel shots and is available in varying tones depending on the size and quantity of shot.
  • Folk instruments are especially used in ceremonial dance.
  • Toy rattles for infants.


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