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Tag: recording music

The Ultimate Guide To Electronic Drum Sets For Stage And Studio Drummers

Introduction and a brief history of Electronic Drum

Photo by Rene Asmussen from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brass-drums-1327430/

The electronic drum set has been around for a protracted time. In fact, the very first electronic drum set was invented in 1955. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that they became common and affordable enough to be purchased by the final public.


The Ultimate Guide To Dictaphone In Recording

Brief introduction of dictaphone in audio recording

Dictaphone is the absolute audio hands-free voice recorder for anyone looking to record a memo or notes. Alexander Graham Bell has invented dictaphone machines. This audio recording app commands notes and memos, day-to-day sounds & podcasts. No handwritten notes are needed whether audio recording everyday music or a critical memo with the use of speech. Here, we will discuss dictaphone in recording process.

dictaphone in recording

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