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Tag: Sample Rate

What is an Audio Interface? How to choose ?

What is an Audio Interface?

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Audio interface is the hardware allows the user to record and playback audio from a computer. It is the part of studio equipment that enables to record analog and digital audio signals. Help to send the recorded audio signals them into the computer so that the post-processing work can be accomplished. It allows to connect things like microphones and guitar cables to a computer and record via USB. Basic recordings can be recorded with any modern computer, laptop or tablet. It recreate the recorded audio interface a more accurate representation of the sounds. Even audio interface is used for recording music and pod-casts, and in video post-production for recording songs and sound idea.



Time Stretch

TimeStretching, is the process to modify or undo & redo tempo when pitch is unaffected. It can be used to remarkably slow down or speed up an Audio Event.

TimeStretch has three parameters –

  1. tempo (You need to adjust the speed of sample without effecting pitch)
  2. pitch (You need to adjust the speed of sample without effecting the tempo)
  3. sample rate (You need to change the sample rate that effect both tempo and pitch)

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